What does the iPad Pro mean for MacBooks and OS X?
10/09/15 18:09
With the introduction of the new iPad Pro, will people still want a MacBook Pro with OS X? Read More…
Will the desktop disappear in OS X 10.11?
05/06/15 20:24
The concept of the Mac desktop has been around since 1984. Will it leave with OS X 10.11? Read More…
What helps to make a great developer?
01/06/15 20:40
Find out one key thing that every developer should be doing. Read More…
Our apps are being pirated
07/05/15 20:18
Piracy is common place for any digital format (apps, movies, songs, etc). See an example about one of Tunabelly's Mac apps. Read More…
Developing for the Mac App Store
05/04/15 09:37
People have asked me what I do for a living and when I tell them I write apps they immediately think about the iOS App Store... Read More…